Tuesday, July 29, 2008

getting antsy...

...about a lot of things!

1. We're getting antsy to "clear"!
Andrew has only 8 business days left before he starts the "clearing" process. Which means running around post for your last 2 weeks getting every form, every paper, every checklist signed off on from all of the various offices and buildings around Ft. Stewart so they'll let you leave! It's quite the extrication program.

The good thing about clearing is that he won't be doing his regular daily 5am-5pm workday. And he'll be around for packing and overseeing the moving truck...

2. We're getting antsy to know the gender!
Our 20-week ultrasound at the end of August will finally tell us whether we should load up our baby registry with more blue or more pink...! We can actually settle on a name from among all our favorites, and it will just be so nice not to call Baby "It" anymore.

3. We're getting antsy to become civilians!
August 30 is Andrew's last day in the Army and after midnight he can sign out for the very last time. We feel the stress melting away...

4. We're getting antsy to start our westward journey!
Our own version of the Oregon Trail... As soon as we sign out, we'll be following the moving truck to Arkansas where we'll unload whatever we can't fit in the Nissan and spend a good time visiting Andrew's parents. Then we'll head west.

5. We're getting antsy to settle into a house!
Instead of an apartment! Could it be true? We're following up leads and crossing our fingers!

6. I'm getting antsy to change up this blog!
Random, yes. And it's more me than Andrew. But the blog feels kinda somber and un-fun. As soon as we become civilians, our blog will undergo a makeover! Including a name change. Be watching for "Harper's Bazaar" in September...

And all of this will be happening in the next 6 weeks! It's an exciting, unsure, hopeful, and crazy time. But God already knows the answers. He knows where He's taking us and why. We just need to rest. Which feels impossible at the moment with so much to do!

My dad shared this passage with me just this morning. So timely!

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me -- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
(Matthew 11:28-30  The Message)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

harper's together!

William, Amanda, and Benji are in the process of moving about 4 hours away to the other far side of Georgia. So last weekend, we all met up in Columbus to see their new place! Looks like a great set-up for them and it was fun, as always, to be with family! 
(If this picture seems awkward, it's because it was. My camera was perched precariously on a conglomeration of steps, wallet, and cell phone in an attempt to capture us at the right angle. Mercifully, I didn't fall on my way down and into the pose!) 
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