Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Just An Ordinary Day

I've suddenly remembered that I had a different plan for this blog. I didn't want to post only when something happened - although blog-worthy things do happen all the time! - but also just when I'm here and Andrew's there and life is going on and days get long as we anxiously await his...hmmm...shall we say Second Coming?

Yes. Spiritual analogies abound. I am the bride waiting for my bridegroom. And, thanks to the Army, we're never sure of the day or hour!

Today is an ordinary Wednesday which begins with the arrival of Seth's piano students and then our prompt departure to Mom's Bible Study. (By the way, CLICK HERE to check out her study's blog!)

It's 8:40pm tonight for Andrew. He's at work, or maybe on his random hour-long guard duty, or maybe at the gym on a break, or maybe at the DFAC getting chow. Anything to make the day interesting! On guard duty he has time to pull out his laptop and write emails, stories, insights, and the beginnings of his book thanks to his new computer. The one enemy of the MacBook is the frequent dust storms of which he must beware. We'll get him some canned air in the next box!

Tomorrow is my birthday. And I'll have you know it's my last. I turn 29 and that's just enough.

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